I came across this article recently: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/11/10/people-pleasing-tips-change/
In times of a depressive episode and/or high anxiety, it becomes difficult for me to practice self-kindness. A few ways that I have failed to be kind to myself in the past:
Being a people pleaser
Being a door mat (letting people walk on me)
Not holding others accountable for mistreating and/or mischaracterizing me
Not allowing myself to do things that create joy in my life
Worrying about what others think of me
Harming myself in order to take care of others
Allowing the actions and words of others to harm me
Doing things for others out of a sense of obligation
Constantly explaining myself

When I've been in a better place mentally, I've found that turning things around, and practicing self-kindness, can be life-altering in positive ways. As RuPal says,
